Our surgeons have developed strong links with the hand therapists, radiologists, rheumatologists and other specialities with whom they work. We set up the Gloucestershire Orthopaedic Shoulder Clinic to provide a quality, accessible service for for your private patients with all upper limb conditions.
Having the ability to consult at 3 hospitals and with ad hoc clinics available upon request, we can see your patients at a time and place that is convenient for them. Appointments for adults can be directed to a specific hospital. 12-18 year olds can be seen at the Nuffield Hospital and children under 12 can only be seen at the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital.
If you would like to discuss a case or have any other query, please contact us either by completing the referral on this page or directly by email at info@gloucestershireshoulderclinic.com. We will answer your questions as quickly as possible.
More information on a wide range of conditions your patients might be suffering and the respective treatments we offer can be found on this website.
We are regularly asked (and always happy to give) talks to GPs to update you with the latest on hand and wrist conditions. We can also provide practical training on steroid injections in the hand and wrist. We also contribute to the GP educational programs arranged by GGPET at the Nuffield and Winfield Hospitals. To arrange an educational meeting please contact Liza Bye (Liza.Bye@ramsayhealth.co.uk) at the Winfield Hospital or Sam Lucy (samuel.lucy@nuffieldhealth.com) at the Nuffield Hospital who arrange these meetings. Alternatively please contact us directly.
We accept direct written referrals from GPs, physiotherapist, hand therapist and sport’s therapist as well as emailed referrals through this website. Kindly address the referral letter to them directly, and e-mail a copy to cotswoldpa22@gmail.com. May we also request that the patient brings it along for their consultation.