A total shoulder replacement may be recommended for patients suffering severe osteoarthritis in the glenohumeral joint.
A total shoulder replacement is an open procedure which involves replacing shoulder joint with a specially designed prosthesis. The prosthesis consists of two components. The first is a humeral head component, which is a metal ball that is secured into the humeral bone with a stem. The other is a glenoid component, which replaces the glenoid and allows smooth movement of the new humeral head. The system provides a close replication to the shoulder joint and relieves pain and discomfort by replacing the severely affected joint. The wound is generally closed with absorbable sutures. However, instructions will be given by Mr Peter post surgery as to wound and dressing procedures.
Following surgery an xray will be performed at day one postop to check that the position of the prosthesis is satisfactory and physiotherapy will be commenced. A sling will be worn for 4 weeks following surgery.